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Horror Best of the Best: Battle Royale Heat 3

October 25, 2012

I love horror movies. I make no secret of that fact. Finding good horror–the hidden gems, the sublime, the over-the-top–is a quiet obsession for me. I know I’m not alone. So… with Halloween upon us, I’ve decided to have a little fun.

What I’ve done here is taken about 500+ horror movies and broken them down into heats of about 50 or so. The object: vote for your 10 favorites in each heat. The movies are in no particular order and are not broken down by category or any such thing. I’ve tried to be as inclusive as possible, but alas, 500 is not as much as one might think. So if a favorite of yours wasn’t included, let me know and I’ll try to squeeze it in next year. There may also be redundancies and errors. We’ll just deal with these as they come up. I’m working at a pretty fast clip here and I’m far from perfect.

In any case, I’ll keep these open until midnight Oct. 29, at which point I’ll take the top ten from each heat and put them into a final grouping of 100 from which we’ll derive the winner.

Keep in mind, this is unscientific as hell and in no way validates or invalidates the quality of any one movie or your taste in horror cinema. It’s just a way to waste a little time and have a little fun. So vote away and enjoy!

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